Following a submissions process and hearings earlier this year, the Regional Public Transport Plan was adopted by the Regional Transport Committee on 29 September.

Service planning and design, infrastructure, and mode shift and carbon reduction were key topics raised in submissions made on the draft Regional Public Transport Plan.

Key changes to the document include:

  • Revising the vision statement and key provisions throughout the RPTP to place more emphasis on a convenient and accessible public transport system.
  • Including a statement at the front of the RPTP highlighting the vision, along with a summary of network aspirations and what the Plan will deliver.
  • Additions and amendments to RPTP policies including regional services, zero emission public transport, and community services
  • New actions or amendments to actions including:

- Understanding what is required to deliver on new national light vehicle kilometres travelled (vkt) reduction targets.
- Preparing and implementing a strategy for regional bus services.
- Working with operators to improve driver availability.
- Resolving public transport safety and security issues.

  • Adding reference to the development of a more detailed implementation plan, which will include a monitoring/performance measurement framework.

Submissions were also received on topics that sit outside the scope of the RPTP. These recommendations relating to extending the SuperGold Concession and co-investing on transport infrastructure were referred to Regional Council.

About the Plan

What is the Regional Public Transport Plan?

He aha te Mahere Waka Tūmatanui ā-rohe?

We are reviewing Te Mahere Waka Tūmatanui o te Rohe o Te Moana a Toi, the Bay of Plenty Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP) with the goal of having a new plan in place by the end of 2022. The Plan is important because it's the key statutory document for public transport planning and investment in the region.

The current plan has been in operation since 2019 and it needs to be updated to better reflect all the changes in public transport that have happened since then.

The legislation sets out the purpose of the Plan which is:

  • A means for encouraging regional councils and public transport operators to work together in developing public transport services and infrastructure.
  • An instrument for engaging with the public in the region on the design and operation of the public transport network.
  • A statement of:
    • The public transport services that are integral to the public transport network.
    • The policies and procedures that apply to those services.
    • The information and infrastructure that support those services.

To help meet these requirements, the draft Plan describes:

  • What we want our public transport system to achieve (our long-term goals and objectives).
  • How we propose to get there (our strategy, focus areas and policies for achieving our objectives).
  • The public transport services we propose to provide.

Please check out the MAKE A SUBMISSION tab to find out more about the draft RPTP and make a submission.

What we want to achieve

He aha mātou e hiahia ana ki te whakatutuki

Draft objectives for Regional Public Transport Plan

Vision | Whakakitenga

Our vision is:

More people using high quality public transport that enhances their lives, supports urban transformation and reduces our collective impact on the environment.

Tō mātou kitenga:
Ka tokomaha ake ngā tāngata e whakamahi ana i te waka tūmata nui pai e whakapai ake i ō rātou oranga, ka tautoko i te whakaahutanga hou, ka whakaiti hoki i tō tātou pānga ki te taiao.


Why do we provide public transport?

Public Transport contributes to a wide range of social, economic and environmental goals, and a successful public transport system has the potential to benefit everyone, including non-users. The most liveable cities and urban centres around the world rely on effective public transport systems to meet the travel needs of their inhabitants of all ages and abilities.

Public transport supports the economy by providing people with access between their homes and the places where they work, study, shop, play and make use of community services. Public transport also has the capacity to move large numbers of people in cities more efficiently than private vehicles.

More people choosing to use public transport instead of driving, means less demand on the road network, and less congestion. This enables the people and goods that must travel by road, to do so more efficiently.

Public transport provides independence, supports social inclusiveness and reduces isolation for many in the community who rely on it as their only means of travel. This is becoming increasingly important as our population ages and becomes more diverse.

Public transport also contributes to positive environmental outcomes because many people in one vehicle produce less emissions than the same number of people in several cars. These environmental outcomes are further enhanced when the public transport trip is in a zero emission vehicle.

Who is responsible for public transport?

  • Public transport services (routes and fares) are managed by Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
  • Public transport infrastructure (bus stops and shelters) are managed by either city and district councils (local roads) or Waka Kotahi (state highways).

Objectives | Ngā whāinga

Make a Submission

Make a submission

Tukua tētahi tāpaetanga

Submissions are now closed. Submitter who indicated they would like to present at submissions will be contacted shortly. The draft Bay of Plenty Regional Public Transport Plan 2022-2032 and a summary document are available in the document library. Submissions closed at 4pm on Friday 29 July.

Submissions were received in several different ways:


Completing the online submission form.


Submissions can also be emailed to: rptp@boprc.govt.nz using the PDF template provided.


Written submissions can be posted to:

Freepost 122076
Regional Public Transport Plan submission
Attn: Transport and Urban Planning Team
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
PO Box 364
Whakatāne 3158

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Want to hear more about the draft plan? Join one of our workshops where we’ll go through the draft objectives and the topics we’re asking for feedback on. Ask your burning questions, and hear what others have to say about the issues before you make your submission.