Feedback so far

So far, we have received 68 pieces of feedback on this topic. We are now moving into our second phase of consultation. Let us know your thoughts on the navigational safety bylaws for the Bay of Plenty Harbours.

Bay of Plenty Harbours

The Bay of Plenty region is home to several harbours along our extensive coastline which provide an opportunity for a range of fun activities. We are keen for your feedback on how you think the navigation safety bylaws can be improved to enhance your enjoyment of our harbours. Please provide feedback on how navigation safety bylaws could be updated to improve our harbour user experiences.


23 May, 2023

MarcusYWilkins says:

Recreational boating in Tauranga Harbour ( & the lakes) is the wild west . You should need to be licenced to drive a boat as in Australia.

4 May, 2023

LuckyLuke says:

Let's have a mooring permit renewal system in BOP, ensuring boats are insured, seaworthy and well-maintained.

3 May, 2023

MarkD says:

1 Strict enforcement of 5 knot rule and when passing boats 2 Registration of all vessels so rules enforceable. 3 Need more boat ramps

1 May, 2023

LuckyLuke says:

Moorings sold online ($10k+ online) don't benefit our community. Let's have fairer rules and a more transparent allocation system.

1 May, 2023

LuckyLuke says:

Low BOP mooring fees ($241.50pa) lead to derelict boats. Support fee increases to promote active vessel use.

20 April, 2023

LuckyLuke says:

Uninsured boats sinking in BOP harbor burden ratepayers. Let's push for mandatory insurance to protect our community!

18 April, 2023

LuckyLuke says:

Protect our harbor! Current mooring rules allow derelict boats to pose environmental and safety risks. Join the fight for change!

3 April, 2023

jason_ford says:

The number of boat users far exceeds the few swimmers. Also, having seen some very big sharks there recently, it's safer to swim at Baywave.

3 April, 2023

jason_ford says:

No need to change anything other than enforce people parking in boar ramp parks without trailers.

29 March, 2023

Liz1567 says:

Do not add swim lanes as it impacts everyone else’s sports. Request swimmers wear floatation devices so they can be clearly identified.

26 March, 2023

Tigerflower says:

Please don't add buoy lane clutter to the Harbour, keep it as natural as possible and patrol speeders.

26 March, 2023

jared_fluerty says:

Swim lane in the ocean has risks for mammals