What specific climate change projects should the Regional Council fund?


Adapting to a changing climate and helping to facilitate a transition to a low carbon economy is a key priority for Regional Council.

Since declaring a climate change emergency in 2019 we have already made progress. We have been working to embed climate change into our decision-making and procurement processes, progress a climate change risk assessment for the region, incorporate electric buses into our public transport fleet, develop climate change story maps, and monitor and reduce our organisational carbon footprint.

Alongside the above, through this Long Term Plan, we are already committed to delivering on a number of climate change related projects that fall within Regional Council’s natural role, and which help us respond to the declared emergency. These include work in enhancing our flood protection systems, which contribute to adapting to the effects of climate change. They also include wetland restoration projects, which help us adapt to change, but also potentially mitigate change.

Of greatest impact, however, is likely to be our work on transport planning and transport behaviour change that is designed to increase public transport patronage, which would in turn help reduce private vehicle emissions and thus contribute to a net reduction in carbon emissions.

The issue

There are also a number of additional projects specifically focused on climate change that we could fund over the first three years of the Long Term Plan. We would like to know your views on the best area(s) for this investment.

Potential projects:

  • Facilitate a co-ordinated approach to climate change risk assessment and adaptation plans for the region (up to $250,000 over three years)
  • Facilitate and support community conversations around adaptation (up to $600,000 over three years)
  • Run a one-off community Climate Change Forum ($35,000)
  • Supporting engagement and education around climate change to businesess and households ($200,000 over three years)

We want to know what level of additional funding you think is appropriate, or whether you are happy for us to continue with our current level of core service delivery.

The Options

Description Level of Service Effects Financial Effects
1* No additional funding allocated No change No change
2. Fund a subset of projects Increase Approximately $175,000 per annum increase in expenditure, the equivalent to 0.6% increase in general rates, or on average, $0.99 (incl GST) per rating unit.
3. Fund all four projects Increased Approximately $350,000 per annum additional expenditure, the equivalent to 1.2% increase in general rates, or on average, $1.97 (incl GST) per rating unit.

*Preferred option

Make a submission

Let us know what you think. Make a submission on our plans for the next 10 years