Compliance monitoring charges
Compliance monitoring charges are based on the actual and reasonable costs of carrying out compliance monitoring of consents.Fixed and variable charges are made up of the staff time to carry out an inspection (if required), audit any monitoring information provided by consent holders, investigate and follow up any non-compliance and report back to consent holders (if required).
Charges for monitoring activities under the National Environmental Standards for Commercial Forestry (NESCF) and the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (NESFW) as outlined in Schedule 3A are based on actual and reasonable costs.
Charges to recover costs under the National Environmental Standards Commercial Forestry
We have amended our charges to recover costs under the National Environmental Standards (NES) Commercial Forestry to reflect the wording in the NES and enable us to recover costs for a broader scope of compliance monitoring activities in the definition in Schedule 3A.
For more information on the proposed changes to the categories including Consumptive Water codes please see the proposed policy (under documents). There is also more information in the Fees and Charges Policy Statement of Proposal.